We are using this space to share resources that we hope will help families and teachers to support children and themselves during the COVID-19 crisis.
Available Resources

Talking to children about COVID-19 (Coronavirus): A parent resource
The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) offers a detailed guide for talking to children about coronavirus. This web page includes tips for talking with children at early elementary, late elementary, middle, and high school ages; suggested points to emphasize; ...

Talking to kids about Coronavirus
Image source: https://childmind.org/article/talking-to-kids-about-the-coronavirus/ This 4-minute video from Child Mind Institute features Dr. Jamie Howard, their Director of Trauma and Resilience Service, offering tips for parents on how to handle the topic of coronavirus with their children. The tips are also ...

How to talk to your kids about Coronavirus
Image source: https://www.pbs.org/parents/thrive/how-to-talk-to-your-kids-about-coronavirus/ This March 6, 2020 blog post from PBS Kids describes ways that parents can explain to young children the coronavirus outbreak, what it means for them, and how they can contribute to stopping the spread by being ...

COVID-19 resources from the U.S. Department of Education
A new suite of resources from the U.S. Department of Education includes considerations for school closures, provision of special education services, impacts on assessments/accountability, flexibility on meal provision, and more: https://www.ed.gov/coronavirus To see more of our COVID-19 Resources, click the ...