The Coach Experience: Impacts and Scalability of a Behavioral Intervention Coaching Program

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We are conducting a cluster randomized control trial (RCT) to examine the effects of the BEST in CLASS training and coaching relative to a business-as-usual control. In addition, we are conducting coach focus groups to understand implementation of the Tier 2 training and PBC intervention strategies under routine conditions where ECE programs are required to build coaching capacity for program delivery. The presentation provides results that will further describe coaches’ experiences as participants of the scale-up effort and perceptions of program cultural responsiveness.

Conference: Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness Conference

Presenters: Dan Cohen, Carl Sumi, Christen Park, Michelle Woodbridge, Elisa Garcia (SRI Education), Maureen Conroy (University of Florida), Kevin Sutherland (Virginia Commonwealth University)

Presentation Date: September 19, 2024


Topics: Presentation