Editorial Team

The Coach Experience: Impacts and Scalability of a Behavioral Intervention Coaching Program

Authors : Editorial Team

We are conducting a cluster randomized control trial (RCT) to examine the effects of the BEST in CLASS training and coaching relative to a business-as-usual control. In addition, we are conducting coach focus groups to understand implementation of the Tier 2 training and PBC intervention strategies under routine conditions where ECE programs are required to build coaching capacity for program delivery.

Implementing Policies and Practices to Support LGBTQ+ Youth in Schools

Authors : Editorial Team

The Central East MHTTC in collaboration with the National Center for School Mental Health (NCSMH) offers a school mental health webinar series with a focus on advancing high quality, sustainable school mental health from a multi-tiered system of support, trauma-sensitive, culturally responsive, and equitable lens.

Supporting Students with Behavioral and Emotional Needs: A Conversation with Carl Sumi

Authors : Editorial Team

In the latest episode of The SRI Homeroom podcast, Senior Principal Education Researcher Carl Sumi joined host Kori Hamilton Biagas to discuss strategies, interventions, and recommendations for educators, schools, and researchers hoping to meet that need head-on.

2024 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention

Authors : Editorial Team

The 2024 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention is a bold new 10-year, comprehensive, whole-of-society approach to suicide prevention that provides concrete recommendations for addressing gaps in the suicide prevention field.

Classcraft Fact Sheet

Authors : Editorial Team

Designed for whole-class instruction, Classcraft™ supports the craft of teaching by providing efficacious academic content and tools that foster a positive classroom climate. Classcraft enables consistent, seamless delivery of research-based academic lessons that gets students excited about school and increases their engagement. Pre-built, standards-aligned, whole-class instruction provides educators with real-time insights to support in-class remediation.

Promoting Mental Health and Well-Being in Schools: An Action Guide for School and District Leaders

Authors : Editorial Team

Schools are prioritizing students’ mental health, and there are many tools and resources to choose from. CDC created this action guide as a place to start. It can help school and district leaders build on what they are already doing to promote students’ mental health and find new strategies to fill in gaps.

2024 School Mental Health Quality Guides

Authors : Editorial Team

These 2024 editions contain major updates and an and easy-to-follow format complete with action steps, best practices, examples from the field, and more.

Guiding Principles and Best Practices in School Discipline to Support Students’ Social, Emotional, Behavioral, and Academic Needs

Authors : Editorial Team

In March of 2023, the U.S. Department of Education released Guiding Principles for Creating Safe, Inclusive, Supportive, and Fair School Climates for students and school staff, featuring specific recommendations for evidence-based practices that allow students to learn, grow, and be successful.

Social Media and Youth Mental Health: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory

Authors : Editorial Team

The Office of the U.S. Surgeon General released a general advisory report in May 2023 on public health concerns related to youth’s use of social media. This report on Social Media and Youth Mental Health includes research on the positive and negative impacts of social media use on youth health and well-being. Read about what policymakers, technology companies, parents and caregivers, youth, and researchers can do to create safer and healthier online environments for children.

TeacherWise Well-Being Notebook from WISE Georgetown

Authors : Editorial Team

The Center for Wellbeing in School Environments (WISE) works with Washington DC school communities to reduce mental health and educational disparities.