Carl Sumi

Carl Sumi Bio:

W. Carl Sumi, Ph.D., manages the Behavior Research group at SRI International. Sumi is principal investigator of the Institute of Education Sciences (IES)-funded efficacy study of Foundations, a program to support schoolwide positive discipline and of the effectiveness study of Tools for Getting Along, a social problem-solving intervention for elementary school children. He is also principal investigator of Project SECURE, funded by the National Institute of Justice to evaluate a multitiered trauma-informed system in a large urban school district.

Why work with us? Because we know what works!

Authors : Carl Sumi , Michelle Woodbridge

Our team works with state and local education agencies to select, implement, and evaluate programs that meet their high priority education needs. Whether you’re a school leader or teacher, an intervention developer, or a funder looking to invest in effective behavior management and socioemotional interventions, you’ll find a variety of benefits of partnering with us.

Meet our Student Behavior Research Team

Authors : Michelle Woodbridge , Carl Sumi

In this first blog entry, we introduce our research team and describe why we love our work so much. Our team of researchers, evaluators, and technical assistance providers brings a wealth of expertise, with a common emphasis on the social and emotional well-being of children from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds.