
Supporting Youth in a Social Media Boom

Authors : Maddie Cincebeaux

The popularity of social media is widespread and continues to rise, especially among youth. According to a recent general advisory report released by the Office of the U.S. Surgeon General, up to 95% of youth aged 13-17 regularly use at least one social media platform.

Top 5 Myths About SEL and Exclusionary Discipline

Authors : Adrienne Woods , Daniel Cohen , Michelle Woodbridge

CASEL defines social-emotional learning (SEL) as “…the process through which young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that help us to understand ourselves, connect with others, achieve our goals and support our communities”.

Promises and Pitfalls of PBIS Part 3: Strategies for educators to reduce implicit bias when responding to challenging behaviors

Authors : Jennifer Nakamura , Elisa Garcia , Daniel Cohen , Kirby Chow

We highlight strategies educators can use to reduce implicit bias when responding to challenging behaviors, which is one of the five key components to reduce disproportionality in school discipline when implementing a PBIS approach.

5 Things that Everyone in Schools Should Know about Suicide Prevention (5 cosas que todos en las escuelas deberían saber acerca de la prevención del suicidio)

Authors : Daniel Cohen

With the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen a significant increase in symptoms of mental health problems among school-aged youth. Most notably, the percentage of children with symptoms of depression and anxiety has become much larger

Why Participate in Research with SRI?

Authors : Maddie Cincebeaux

Since 2019, we’ve not only engaged with educators, community members, and mental health service providers to co-author blogs about their challenges and accomplishments on the ground, but we also compiled helpful resources from our colleagues to promote collective work in the field and across the country.

How empowered do multilingual students with disabilities feel to make their own choices?

Authors : Elisa Garcia

In a recent descriptive study of high school students who are multilingual learners (MLs) with disabilities, SRI researchers found that these students attribute fewer self-determination behaviors to themselves than MLs without disabilities or students who are not MLs.

Promises and Pitfalls of PBIS Part 2: Engaging Students and Families in Equity-Focused PBIS

Authors : Jennifer Nakamura , Elisa Garcia , Kirby Chow

In this second post in this series, we will discuss how to elevate the voices of students and families – one aspect of implementing a positive behavior framework that is preventive, multi-tiered, and culturally responsive.

Promises and pitfalls of PBIS Part 1: Importance of an equity-centered approach

Authors : Elisa Garcia , Kirby Chow , Jennifer Nakamura

Students who are Black, Latinx, and Native American are more likely than White students to be suspended or expelled – even when comparing consequences for the same infractions.

Practice-Based Coaching on the Pyramid Model: “It builds you up and finds your strengths”

Authors : Maddie Cincebeaux , Erika Gaylor

SRI Education researchers are conducting an evaluation of the Pyramid Model, a three-tiered framework that supports early childhood education (ECE) teachers in preschool classrooms. The main goals of the Pyramid Model are to support ECE teachers as key figures in promoting the social-emotional skills and competence of children with and without disabilities so that all children can learn, develop, and grow in a positive and safe environment.

How can teachers build and enhance their students’ social-emotional skills?

Authors : Faith Scheibe , Maricela Morales

One intervention, BEST in CLASS (Behavioral, Emotional, and Social Training: Competent Learners Achieving School Success), was specially designed to address young children’s persistent and intensive challenging behaviors.