Research Project Topics

Statewide Evaluation of the California Mental Health Services Authority’s Prevention and Early Intervention Initiatives

Authors : Editorial Team

Contract (funded by California’s Proposition 63 funds) with RAND Corporation to evaluate and provide technical assistance to Suicide Prevention, Stigma and Discrimination Reduction, and Student Mental Health initiative programs Lead Investigator: Michelle Woodbridge Funder: RAND Dates: 2012-2015

Efficacy Study of Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools

Authors : Editorial Team

Efficacy study of the Cognitive Behavioral Interventions for Trauma in Schools program for students experiencing traumatic stress in 12 middle schools of one urban school district. Lead Investigators: W. Carl Sumi, Michelle Woodbridge Funder: U.S. Department of Education Dates: 2011-2016

Efficacy Study of Check & Connect

Authors : Editorial Team

Efficacy study of Check & Connect, a dropout prevention program, in 5 high schools of one suburban school district. Lead Investigators: W. Carl Sumi, Mary Wagner Funder: U.S. Department of Education Dates: 2012-2017

Effectiveness Study of First Step to Success

Authors : Editorial Team

Large-scale effectiveness study of First Step to Success, an early intervention program for children in grades 1-3 with antisocial or aggressive behaviors, conducted in 48 elementary schools of 5 states. Lead Investigators: Mary Wagner, W. Carl Sumi Funder: U.S. Department of Education Dates: 2006-2011

National Behavior Research Coordination Center

Authors : Editorial Team

Research coordination center that worked closely with four university-based behavior research centers in conducting randomized trials of interventions for students with severe behavior problems in grades 1-3. Lead Investigators: W. Carl Sumi, Michelle Woodbridge Funder: U.S. Department of Education Dates: 2004-2009

Reducing Exclusionary Discipline in Arkansas Early Childhood Programs

Authors : Editorial Team

Study of the policies and initiatives to prevent early childhood programs’ use of exclusionary practices and promote children’s social emotional growth in Arkansas’s Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF)-funded programs conducted in collaboration with the Arkansas Division of Child Care and Early Childhood Education (AR DCCECE) and the National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP). » … Continue reading Reducing Exclusionary Discipline in Arkansas Early Childhood Programs