Dr. Carl Sumi, an expert in student behavioral research and interventions discusses positive behavior interventions and supports. This video was produced by the 3C Institute. Additional resources on cognitive behavior interventions can be found on the Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS) program website. Resources for trauma-informed schools can be found on the Treatment … Continue reading How schools can get started with Positive Behavior Supports
Researcher-practitioner partnerships in implementing & evaluating evidence-based programs in schools
Implementing and evaluating evidence-based programs (EBPs) in schools requires strong researcher-practitioner partnerships. Here’s what Dr. Michelle Woodbridge (who has been studying prevention and intervention programs related to school-based mental health for more than 25 years) says about the role of communication in implementing EBPs in schools. This video was produced by the 3C Institute. Helpful resources … Continue reading Researcher-practitioner partnerships in implementing & evaluating evidence-based programs in schools
What is it like to work for a nonprofit research center? See what Dr. Carl Sumi, Senior Principal Education Researcher at SRI International, says about working at a nonprofit research institute. This video was produced by the 3C Institute. Helpful resources on cognitive behavior interventions can be found on the Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in … Continue reading Benefits of working at a nonprofit research institute vs. academic university
In this video, Dr. Michelle Woodbridge (who has been studying prevention and intervention programs related to school-based mental health for more than 25 years) discusses how to evaluate the fit of EBPs for schools. This video was produced by the 3C Institute. Additional resources on cognitive behavior interventions can be found on the Cognitive Behavioral … Continue reading How to determine the quality of evidence-based programs (EBP) for schools
In this video, Dr. Carl Sumi, an expert in student behavioral research and interventions, discusses the importance of using data to make decisions in PBIS schools. This video was produced by the 3C Institute. Helpful resources on cognitive behavior interventions can be found on the Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS) program website. … Continue reading Using data to make better decisions in positive behavioral support programs
In this video, Dr. Michelle Woodbridge (who has been studying prevention and intervention programs related to school-based mental health for more than 25 years) discusses why schools should adopt evidence-based programs. This video was produced by the 3C Institute. Additional resources on cognitive behavior interventions can be found on the Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma … Continue reading Why should schools adopt evidence-based Interventions?
In this video, Dr. Michelle Woodbridge (who has been studying prevention and intervention programs related to school-based mental health for more than 25 years) discusses how expanding training programs for educators, such as through Train-the-Trainer models, can maximize schools’ investments in evidence based programs. This video was produced by the 3C Institute. Helpful resources on … Continue reading How quality training maximizes investments and creates sustainable evidence-based practices
In this video, Dr. Carl Sumi, an expert in student behavioral research and interventions, discusses the intersection between PBS and trauma informed schools. School-wide Positive Behavior Supports is a framework for operating schools and changing social culture and supporting all students. This video was produced by the 3C Institute. Additional resources on cognitive behavior interventions … Continue reading Why Positive Behavior Supports is a good fit for Trauma Informed Schools