Schools are prioritizing students’ mental health, and there are many tools and resources to choose from. CDC created this action guide as a place to start. It can help school and district leaders build on what they are already doing to promote students’ mental health and find new strategies to fill in gaps.
The Office of the U.S. Surgeon General released a general advisory report in May 2023 on public health concerns related to youth’s use of social media. This report on Social Media and Youth Mental Health includes research on the positive and negative impacts of social media use on youth health and well-being. Read about what policymakers, technology companies, parents and caregivers, youth, and researchers can do to create safer and healthier online environments for children.
This is not “one more newsletter.” The National Center for School Mental Health listserv newsletters include timely information on upcoming conferences, events, and webinars, grants and research opportunities, news reports and resources, policy updates, and issues in the popular media related to school mental health. The newsletter comes out every other month, with occasional bonus announcements … Continue reading NCSMH Newsletter