Daniel Cohen

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Dan Cohen, Ph.D., M.P.H., is a senior education researcher at SRI

Using Mixed Methods to Evaluate Cultural Responsiveness of Behavioral Interventions: A Case Example from Early Childhood

Authors : Daniel Cohen , Carl Sumi

Given increasing cultural diversity and disparities in outcomes, the need to evaluate the cultural responsiveness is greater than ever.

BEST in CLASS: What Coaches and Teachers Say About It. Part 2: Teacher Perspectives

Authors : Daniel Cohen , Michelle Woodbridge

Practice-based coaching (PBC) promotes a strong collaborative partnership between teachers and coaches to facilitate the use of effective instructional practices. The PBC process includes skills instruction on BEST in CLASS practices, shared goals and action planning, implementation support, classroom observation, and reflection and feedback.

Coaching Early Educators on Behavioral Interventions: Coach and Developer Perspectives

Authors : Daniel Cohen

In this presentation, we share coach and program developer perspectives on barriers and facilitators of coaching educators to deliver behavioral interventions in early childhood settings.

BEST in CLASS: What Coaches and Teachers Say About It. Part 1: Coach Perspectives

Authors : Daniel Cohen , Michelle Woodbridge , Christen Park

BEST in CLASS (Behavioral, Emotional, and Social Training: Competent Learners Achieving School Success) is a tier 2 (targeted) evidence-based intervention for young children with persistent and intensive challenging behaviors.

Spanish language support for the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

Authors : Daniel Cohen

Providing Spanish language support for the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is an important step. At SRI we’re committed to promoting suicide prevention in our schools and communities.

Effectiveness Replication of BEST in CLASS: Partnering with Early Childhood Programs to Evaluate a Tier 2 Behavioral Intervention Under Real World Conditions

Authors : Daniel Cohen

This presentation will describe the development of BEST in CLASS and discuss considerations for conducting large-scale effectiveness research in the context of partnerships with local early child education programs.

Top 5 Myths About SEL and Exclusionary Discipline

Authors : Adrienne Woods , Daniel Cohen , Michelle Woodbridge

CASEL defines social-emotional learning (SEL) as “…the process through which young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that help us to understand ourselves, connect with others, achieve our goals and support our communities”.

Promises and Pitfalls of PBIS Part 3: Strategies for educators to reduce implicit bias when responding to challenging behaviors

Authors : Jennifer Nakamura , Elisa Garcia , Daniel Cohen , Kirby Chow

We highlight strategies educators can use to reduce implicit bias when responding to challenging behaviors, which is one of the five key components to reduce disproportionality in school discipline when implementing a PBIS approach.

How to Prevent Suicide in School Communities

Authors : Daniel Cohen

As we emerge from the collective trauma of the pandemic and work to serve youth in the context of a decade long pattern of increasing in suicide risk, it is crucial that everyone who spends time in schools (including parents) is aware of What to DO and What NOT to Do when it comes to suicide prevention in schools.

5 Things that Everyone in Schools Should Know about Suicide Prevention (5 cosas que todos en las escuelas deberían saber acerca de la prevención del suicidio)

Authors : Daniel Cohen

With the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen a significant increase in symptoms of mental health problems among school-aged youth. Most notably, the percentage of children with symptoms of depression and anxiety has become much larger